September 2016
Two years / 2014–2016

“Made in the image of our Creator, we can both grieve the wrongs of this world, and celebrate the sweetness of this life.
Ecclesiastes 3, tell us there is a time for every matter under heaven.
A time to be born, and a time to die
A time to plan, and a time to uproot
A time to weep, and a time to laugh
A time to mourn, and a time to dance
For us, it was a time to mourn. But it was also a time to actively hope in promises that life comes from death.
Life and death are not respecters of each other. Mourning and dancing they don´t always take turns. Not in my story, not in yours, not in our world.
We must never stop mourning brokenness. It is right to mourn. And we must never cease to celebrate life and beauty. It is right to dance.
Because of Chris, life comes from death.
Because of Christ, we will dance again. ”
/Family retreat, Sololá 2016/